Do not grieve the Holy
Spirit of God... (Ephesians 4:30)
What does that mean, to
grieve the Spirit?

How hard it was to be good and stay clean! How exasperated she was when she found us scraped and disheveled!
Father God is not like
that. He knows the world is dirty. He brings us inside at the end of the day.
He removes soiled coats and muddy shoes. He tenderly bathes us, and dresses
us in clean PJs, combing knots from our hair. He gives us a hot meal and
discusses our day. Yes, He is saddened by wrongs we have done, but He is not
surprised. He is not unprepared. Even when He sends us out again, He does not
tend to His own business and leave us alone. We are His business. He watches,
He guides, He strengthens, He comforts, He confronts, He consoles, and I have
even seen Him stand and block the way.
Every day we come home
dirty. That is the world we live in, even in our own hearts so we cannot hide.
The Spirit grieves our sin because there is a loss: a loss of relationship,
opportunity, time, purity, joy, or peace, to name a few. The loss is ours, but
like a father, God feels the pain of His child. Like a father, God is anguished
to know that His children do not trust Him at His word and obey. All
disobedience is a lack of trust in God’s wisdom and love.
Yes God is angry at some, but not us who believe. God's anger is towards scoffers who hate God and scorn
His people as silly at best and deceivers at worst.
However, we are His
children and He only waits for us to return home, to be cleansed, refreshed and
loved. He cleanses us as we confess. He refreshes us as we talk to Him in
prayer. He loves us as we worship Him as Lord.
Yes, we grieve the Holy Spirit.
It is as inevitable as children playing outside become dirty. What do we do?
Confess. Pray. Worship. Confession to one another breaks the power of sin.
Prayer reminds us of how much God loves us. Worship reminds us of how worthy He
is to trust and praise.
Let’s not stop reading in
the middle of this verse that continues: …with whom you were sealed for the day
of redemption.
Another translation
states: God gave you His Spirit as proof that you belong to Him and that He
will keep you safe until the day He makes you free.
God seals us. He keeps us
safe. He is our Father forever and will never let us go.
Thank You Jesus for paying
the entire price for every sin. We can come to You with boldness because You
are always waiting for us to return. Your arms are always open and there's a warm tub waiting.
If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
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