Monday, January 13, 2025

My Responsibility Today

So often I toss and turn at night, filled with concern about what will happen. I am worried and upset about many things, for many people whom I love. What should I do? And as I prayed this morning it came to me...

Love them well. That is all I have to do. Forgive them. Those two things are all I have to do today.

I don't have to fix them, or heal them, I just have to love them. I can't fix them. I can speak God's truth to them and point them to Jesus. I can't make them believe or follow. I can be kind when they are mean. I can be forgiving when they wrong me. I can listen patiently when they are sad, or angry, or joyful. I can pray with them, for them.

I can say no, not today. Not that way. I can't do that. I need to go now. I can refuse sometimes when I need to. It's ok.

I can't fix it. I can love, pray, forgive. That is all I can do. And it's ok. 

Likewise, Jesus will not always fix it. Jesus will not always heal. Sometimes He does and so we praise Him. But He always loves us. He always forgives us. Sometimes He says no to our request, not today, or I can't do that. But He always listens. And He is always with us. 

Last good pic of mom

And in the end, that is enough. 

Two years ago, mom was suffering from end stage cancer. I wanted to fix it. But I could only love her. I am thanking God I had the wisdom and the strength to forgive her, and to be with her until the end. Thank You, Jesus, as I remember her and that difficult time, that my loving her was all you asked of me, and it was enough. 

"Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one." (Luke 10:41-42)

Friday, January 03, 2025


I returned to work at the end of last year for a short term assignment. At first I worked from home but eventually needed to make my way into the office I had left over two years ago. Lost in thought as I drove along, I missed the Parkway exit and had to wind my way south on back roads. The next time I traveled there, I made sure I got into the far right exit-only lane to make sure I did not miss it again.

I find that all of life is like that. I am easily distracted and wind up in a place I didn't expect and did not intend to go. I have one glass of wine with dinner and end up drinking three. I start a collection of things I like and end up with a room full of worthless items. I bring home a left-over dessert from a party and start having dessert every night. One thing leads to another, it starts out innocent and ends up a disaster.

That is why I want to daily consider the direction of my life and go in the direction of sacrifice. Sacrifice, my Word of the Year for 2025

Now that I am retired and have more time, what am I doing with it? Sure, I should allow for relaxation and enjoyment. Sure I should slow down. But when is it too much enjoyment? When am I relaxing so much that I am missing my exit back to what I intended to do with my retirement, time for service to my family and Christ?

I want to focus on sacrifice, but what is sacrifice? It has several definitions, including religious ones, but the one I want to focus on is this:

 The act of giving up something highly valued
for the sake of something else
considered to have a greater value.

I can also see the opposite of this trait in my grand daughter. When she wants something and I tell her no, she cries her fake cry in hopes I will change my mind. It is adorable and totally normal in a two-year-old but in a 69-year-old, not so much. I may not whine on the outside like she does, but I am on the inside.  I still think, and at this age, God forgive me, that I should have everything I want. This is NOT of God. And I want to repent. 

In contrast to this, Ed told me of his son-in-law who has become a more observant Jew. He was given a gift of a bottle of wine that was Kosher. Sadly someone who was not an observant Jew moved the bottle and their handling of the bottle made it no longer Kosher. He refused to drink it. At first glance, this seemed silly. But in a larger sense, I admire his commitment to God, his willingness to sacrifice a good thing, the gift he received of the wine, for something better, knowing in his heart he was staying in right relationship with God. This is what Paul describes in Romans:    

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)

Under the Law, the Jews offered animal sacrifices to atone for their sins. But for us who follow Christ, we are to offer our own bodies. This is what Jesus did. Although He did no wrong, He sacrificed Himself for us. He chose humility when he road into Jerusalem on a colt towards suffering and death because He looked forward to something of greater value, eternal relationship with us. He did not have to do this. He chose it because He values us, because He loves us.

Beloved, help me to value personal sacrifice, to model after Your choice to value me more than Your comfort, more than Your life. Let me make a habit of getting in the right lane, going in the direction of Your righteousness. 

Remind me to YIELD to others in peace of heart. Remind me to say NO to temptation. Just because I want something and it is there to take, does not mean I should take it. Remind me to NOT correct others, NOT give my opinion unless requested, NOT feel I need to offer feedback, have my way, insure others are informed of my point of view. Others who read this may need to learn to assert themselves. Not so with me. I need to learn quietness and trust You. I need to pray more and talk less. I can't do this, Beloved, without the power of Your Holy Spirit. So pour out Your Spirit on me. Allow His mighty wind to keep me in the right lane.   

The law of the Lord is perfect. It gives us new strength...
The rules of the Lord are right. They give joy to our hearts...
The commands the Lord gives are true. All of them are completely right...
They have greater value than huge amounts of pure gold...
But who can know their own mistakes? Forgive my hidden faults.
Also keep me from the sins I want to commit. May they not be my master.
Then I will be without blame. I will not be guilty of any great sin against your law.

Lord, may these words of my mouth and may these thoughts of my heart please You. You are my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:7-14)