

Jesus had a younger brother named James, born of Joseph and Mary. During Jesus’ ministry, like the rest of his family, James did not believe Jesus was who He said He was. However, after witnessing Jesus’ death and encountering Jesus as resurrected Lord, James believed and became the leader of the church in Jerusalem.

For more on James see Mark 6:2-4, Act 15:1-21, Galatians 1:18-20, and 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

James 5:7-5:20 - July 1

Share something wonderful that is going on in your life right now. Why are you so happy and excited about it?

READ James 5:7-20
  1. What should we do when we suffer at the hands of evil people? What should we not do?
  2. How can we have hope when we suffer?
  3. What should we do when we have trouble? (Verse 13)
  4. What should we do when we are happy?
  5. What should we do for the sick?
  6. Why does James talk about dealing with sin in the middle of talking about helping sick people?
  7. What do we do for those who wander away from God’s truth?

  1. If all our sins are forgiven anyway, why does living a godly life matter?
  2. If God is in control and sovereign over all things, why should we bother to pray?
  3. Why is it important to share God’s truth with others? Shouldn’t we leave them alone to make their own decisions and live how they believe is right?
  4. Is there anyone in your life who God has been specifically pushing to you to speak to? Tell us about that.
  5. What did you find the most convicting about what we have read in the books of James and Peter?

James 4:13-5:6 - June 24

Are you planning an event, vacation, or business venture now? Tell us about that. If not right now, tell us about something you planned in the past.

READ James 4:13-16
  1. Is James saying that planning ahead is wrong? What exactly is he saying?
  2. Read Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 20:24, Psalms 33:10-11 and Psalms 37:23-24. What are these verses saying about planning ahead?
  3. How can we plan in an arrogant/evil way?
  4. Read Psalms 37:1-8. How can we plan in a godly way? What’s the “big idea” in these verses?
  5. Read Proverbs 19:20-24. Each verse has an aspect of planning that will help you succeed. What are those steps?

READ James 4:17-5:6
  1. Who is James talking to in these verses? What kind of people?
  2. What are they doing wrong?

  1. Only “rich” people have the time, energy, resources to plan ahead. Therefore because we plan, verses 4:17-5:6 hold an instruction/warning for us. What is James telling us to consider as we plan?
  2. Think about what you have been planning or have planned in the past. How is God directing you to do things differently?

James 4:1-12 - June 17

Think of someone you have not been getting along with. Maybe there is open fighting between you or maybe this person is just frustrating or annoying you. Explain the problem with this person.

READ James 4:1-12

  1. According to James, why do we have arguments with people?
  2. According to James, why do our prayers go unanswered?
  3. What does “friendship with the world” look like? See verse 4. Why does friendship with the world cause enmity** with God?
  4. What makes God jealous? Isn’t jealously a “bad” emotion? Why is it even ok for God to be jealous? Here’s places where the Bible talks about God’s jealousy: Exodus 20:4-6, Joshua 24:14-28, 2 Corinthians 11:2-3
  5. According to James, what is the cure for hostility between us and others?


  1. James is saying that the way to peace with others begins with our relationship with and devotion to God. What do you think about this? Do you agree? Have you seen this at work in your life or in the lives of others? Explain.
  2. Think again about the person who has been making you annoyed, frustrated, or angry. Based on these verses, what is the root of the problem between you? What is the way to peace?

**Enmity means to be actively opposed or hostile to someone.

James 3 - June 10, 2015

Think of a time when you said something to a friend or family member and later regretted it. Tell us about that.

READ James 3:1-12
  1. How is the tongue like a ship rudder?
  2. How is the tongue like a fire?
  3. Why is praising the Lord and cursing people incompatible, like olives sprouting from a fig tree?

READ James 3:13-18
  1. What is true wisdom? How do we know someone has it?
  2. What does envy and self-seeking lead to?
  3. What does true wisdom lead to?

  1. How do we tame our tongue?
  2. How do we gain true wisdom?
  3. We don’t often think of ourselves as “teachers” (verse 3:1) but we are as we lead or provide service at work, minister at church, and manage our family. Therefore, what should our attitude be towards others? How should we treat them? Why is it important to be careful with what we say?

James 2:1-13 - June 3, 2015

Have you ever felt that someone had a bad opinion of you and no matter what you did you could not get them to like you? Tell us about that.

READ James 2:1-13

  1. James talked about judging people based on their appearance, whether they are rich or poor. name some other ways we judge people.
  2. What’s wrong with judging others? Why should we not show favoritism?
  3. How will we be judged by God? See verses 12-13. Based on that, how should we judge others?

READ James 2:14-26

  1. What does James say about people who claim to have faith but their faith is not accompanied by good deeds?
  2. Why does true faith result in a lifestyle of kindness and sacrifice?
  3. James refers to Rahab, the prostitute. Although through the ages, she still bears the title of her sinful life-style, she is lifted up here as an example of great faith. Why? (Read her story again in Joshua 2:1-21, 6:23-25)


  1. The temptation to evaluate other people is huge. When you first meet someone, how do you “size them up”? What do you look at? What are you looking for?
  2. What kinds of people are you most likely to pass judgment on? Think unkindly of? Avoid or dismiss? Why are you doing that? On what basis are you making those decisions?
  3. Share a time when you recently took a step of faith.
  4. Where is God calling you now to take a risk? What is holding you back?

James 1:19-27 - May 27, 2015

What makes you angry?

READ JAMES 1:19-27

  1. What does James say about anger?
  2. Is anger a sin? Why or why not?
  3. What does James say we should do in order to properly react when we encounter situations that make us angry?
  4. After we listen to God's Word what does James tell us to do? Why does he urge us to do this?
  5. What is pure religion?


  1. When people talk to you, do they feel you value their viewpoints and ideas? How hard is it to listen to their side of the story?
  2. Is there something God has been urging you to do that you are putting off or pushing aside? What is it? Why are you still resisting God's perfect law that gives freedom?

James 1:1-18 - May 20, 2015

You found the magic lamp and Genie is going to grant you three wishes. What do you wish for?

READ James 1:1-18
1.      How does James introduce himself in verse 1?
2.      Why should we consider trails a joy? (See verses 2-5)
3.      How can we know how to react in a trial? (See verse 5-8)
4.      What messages is James giving to those who are poor and rich in verses 9-11? Check out the Easy-to-Read version of verses 9-10: Believers who are poor should be glad that God considers them so important. Believers who are rich should be glad when bad things happen that humble them. Their riches won’t keep them from disappearing as quickly as wildflowers.
5.      Where does temptation come from? (See verses 13-14)
6.      What does giving into temptation lead to? (see verses 15-16)
7.      What does NOT giving into temptation lead to? (see verse 12)
8.      What does God give us? (See verses 17-18)

1.      When you are tempted, what do you usually do? What does James recommend?
2.      Do you have a story you can share about when you overcame temptation or succumbed to it?
3.      If you succumbed to temptation, what could you do next time that may work out better?
4.      What do you want but have not asked God for because you don’t think He’d give it to you? Let’s pray for that now. 

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