Book of Job

Book of Job

If our God is a God of love and mercy, why do bad things happen to good people? In the book of Job, the curtain is pulled back and we see what is happening in heavenly places and we discover the larger purposes of God.    

Book of Job: Chapters 38-42 - February 11

OPEN: If could ask God one question, what would it be?

PREVIOUSLY in the Book of Job:
Although God said Job was a righteous man of faith, He allowed a time of testing in Job’s life which included loss of his livelihood, all 10 of his children, and his health. Job had asked God questions: Since he was a righteous man, why was God allowing him to suffer? Why was he punished and rejected by God? Why are wicked men not punished?

Read Job 38: 1-18, 34-41
1.      God finally speaks. What does He say?
2.      If you were Job, how would God’s questions make you feel?

Read Job 40:1-14, 41:1-11
3.      What was God’s point?
4.      What was Job’s response?

Read Job 42
5.      What was Job’s conclusion in verses 42:2-6?
6.      Given all that has happened to Job, would do you think this provides a satisfactory answer?
7.      In the end, what were God’s feelings toward Job’s friends? What did God want Job and his friends to do?
8.      What happened to Job after that (verses 12-17)?
9.      How did you feel about the end of the story?

1.      If someone asked you, based on the Book of Job, why do bad things happen to good people, how would you answer?
2.      Do you think this would satisfy a friend who was in the midst of suffering? Why or why not?

Book of Job: Chapters 6-19 - February 4

If you could go back to any time of your life, when would it be and why?

PREVIOUSLY in the Book of Job
Although God said Job was a righteous man of faith, He allowed a time of testing in Job’s life which included loss of his livelihood, all 10 of his children, and his health. At first his friends came to mourn with him silently but then they spoke and claimed Job must have sinned to incur God’s wrath.

READ Job 6:14-29
1.       How did Job’s friends disappoint him?
2.       See verse 21. Why were Job’s friends afraid?
3.       What was Job’s point in verses 22-23?

READ Job 10:1-22
4.       What do you think about Job’s honesty towards God?  What do you think of his attitude?
5.       What did Job ask God?

READ Job 19:13-22
6.       On top of the loss and the pain, what did Job experience with the people around him?

READ Job 19:23-29
7.       What was Job certain of?  What did he know for sure?

1.       This section showed that Job met his pain with honest prayers and rock-solid faith. How do you think this impacted his ability to survive this trial?
2.       Think of something you have been praying for. Do you need to be more honest with God?
3.       What would it take to convince you right now that God is faithful?

Book of Job: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 - January 28, 2015

Can you think of a recent time when someone pointed out to you that you were doing something wrong? How did that turn out?

READ Job, Chapter 3
1.      What does Job wish for?
2.      Specifically, why does Job say death is better than life in verses 17-19?
3.      When is death better than life, according to Job in verses 20-26?
4.      What does this say about how Job was feeling? What does it say about his faith?

READ Job, Chapters 4 and 5
1.      What is Eliphaz’s point in verses 4:4-6?
2.      What is Eliphaz’s point in verses 5:17-18?
3.      What is Eliphaz’s recommended solution in verses 5:8-10?
4.      Do you agree with his points? Why or why not?

1.      When is it helpful to confront someone and tell them that their suffering is their own fault and they should repent and turn to God? Is that ever helpful?
2.      What do you say to someone who is suffering so greatly that they long for death? How do you comfort them?
3.      Why do you think God prolongs the life of people who are in great pain or who’s quality of life has been significantly limited?

Book Job: Chapter Two - January 21, 2015 

OPEN: How comfortable are you visiting a sick friend in the hospital? Attending a family member’s funeral?

READ Job 2:1-13
1.      Although God had harmed Job without a cause (verse 3), what was Job’s response?
2.      What does God allow Satan to do (verse 6)? What limits does God place on Satan?
3.      What happens to Job in verse 7?
4.      What does Job’s wife tell him to do?
5.      What is Job’s response to his wife? What does this tell us about our response to pain?
6.      What do Job’s friend do to comfort him?
7.      What does this tell us about what to do to comfort a sick or distressed friend?

1.      When have you experienced being comforted by another person? What did that person do or say that comforted you?
2.      When has another person done something that made your pain worse? What did they do?
3.      Who do you need to comfort? How can we pray for you to have the courage and wisdom to do this?

Job: Chapter One, Peeking Behind the Curtain - January 14, 2015

Why do bad things happen to good people? When other people ask you this question, what do you say?

1.      How is Job described by the author and God? See verses 1-5, 8?
2.      Job has many possessions. How many?
Sheep        __________    Donkeys  _________
Camels      __________    Children  _________
Oxen          __________
3.      What did Job regularly do for his children (verse 5)?
4.      Why did Satan say Job was a good man (verses 9-11)?
5.      What does this conversation tell us about Satan?
6.      God gives Satan limited power over Job, verse 12. What is the limit? What does this tell us about God?
7.      What calamities befall Job (verses 13-19)?
8.      Who or what are the cause of these tragedies?
9.      What is God’s purpose in allowing these things to happen? How do you feel about this?
10.  What is Job’s reaction (verses 20-22)?

Think of a bad thing that is happening to you or someone close to you. What light does this shed on the situation?

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