Saturday, April 05, 2014


John 9:35-41

I came into the world to bring everything into the clear light of day, making all the distinctions clear, so that those who have never seen will see, and those who have made a great pretense of seeing will be exposed as blind.

As one who has studied the scriptures for years, this is very convicting.  Because I think I know what it all says.  I don't even have to read it.  I remember reading this verse before many times. I remember two sermons I already heard and three books I already ready read on the topic. Read it one more time? Really?  No, thanks, I'm good.

Is that what happened to these religious men, I wonder?  Did they copy and hear the scriptures so many times that they became numb?  They became the experts so they no longer had to learn.  They no longer had to see.  They became blind.

How do I not become like them?

If you were really blind, you would be blameless, but since you claim to see everything so well, you’re accountable for every fault and failure.

I need to not claim to see everything so well that I don't have more to see.  I have to continue to read and learn and listen.  As I use my eyes, I will not become blind.  As I keep coming to Jesus expectant to see more, He will show me.  Humility keeps me from becoming blind.

But also I have to do more than know it.  I have to do more than see it.  I have to do it.  I have to apply it.  I am accountable for every truth I know.  

This is the default, Beloved.  I will end up in this dead end unless You intervene.  Please save me and allow me to always confess my blindness before You. You are endless, bottomless, infinite. I always have more to learn.  I always have more to apply.  I always need You.

I need You.

“Master, I believe,” the man said, and worshiped Him.

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