Friday, May 09, 2008

Praise Report - Al's New Job

Here's an encouraging praise report from Al, written originally to friends who had prayed about his job transition. It is so good, I want to include it here...

I want to thank you both for your prayers about my new job, for we serve a BIG GOD. One that changes us from the inside out, in ways we don't understand. Please allow me to tell this little story, that happen last week, so I may honor God from my heart.

One night last week, at work, by chance, I spoke to a man named Joe and asked how he was doing. I could see his heart was heavy. He started to say that this job was getting to him, that the job he does now is to serve others, and that was tearing him down and for the 25 years he been in the business, he has never felt so low. Joe was affected by the last round of cutbacks. He went from being in the first group out the door to being last out of the building, That meant that he had to load everyone else's truck, serving them, when before he was used to them loading his. He wanted to go back to being served as first route out the building.

Joe got me to think about that my old job, the one I loved doing in Wall Township, (even though there was Spiritual warfare going on) was like the new job that he hated. We both changed jobs, but I find that I have adapted, and Joe has not and seems to be getting more bitter. I know the difference is God in my life.

I know the first 5 weeks on this new job were very hard on me. I miss the men I worked with for 20 years. The emotional part of it was tough.

As an old time worker I didn't think I would be doing interstate driving again or after 35 years in the newspaper business, I didn't think I would feel like a rookie again, having to drive with the big rigs on the highway and not knowing the routine and the people I work with.

I clung to God like I was hugging Him, as the weeks passed, I was starting to adapt, I was starting to change, and the closeness to God was growing. Now God showed me that through this, to lean on Him for the strength I need each night. To drive with the 18 wheelers who fly by me at 80 + mph, New Yorkers who love to cut off truckers, and to work with 100 different men who I never worked with before.

My home life changed too. I was a person who was always watching the time, anxious not to be late for work, but now God has given me the patience and self control that is needed to enjoy the evening I have ( I leave for work at 9 pm )

There was a surprise that God had given Barb and I that was unforeseen. The joy of every married couple is to go bed ( sleep ) at night together. This is something that Barb and I only enjoy fully during our vacation until recently. As the weeks passed my time coming home got early to the point that we were in bed ( sleeping ) together for a brief time each early morning. God surely works things out and surprises us. What a gift he given us!!!!!!

All this to say, thank you for your prayers for me, for our family and praise God for his perfect plans for us.


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