Tuesday, October 22, 2013

let her own works praise her

Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. (Proverbs 31:31)

I was one of those moms who hung up every piece of artwork my daughters created.  Our front porch looked like a preschool class room because I would tape up all their drawings and paintings there. It didn't matter if they were outstanding or mediocre, I displayed their work.  Because I loved them, every piece was special.

The next generation: Gio's artwork

In the end, I think that is how God sees us.  If we feared God, if we tried our best, what we have done delights Him.  He celebrates it.  What we have accomplished deserves public praise.

We nurtured our children.  We were devoted to our husbands.  We helped neighbors and friends. We cared for our home.  It may all seem mediocre to us, but to God, it was outstanding.

Because we are His daughters and He loves us.  And every one of us are special to Him.

Celebrate all she has achieved. Let all her accomplishments publicly praise her. (Proverbs 31:31 The Voice)

Father, what can I say but Thank You!  You are wonderful beyond words! You always give us the best not because we deserve it but because You are merciful and loving and faithful.  Forever. 

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